Wednesday, 8 April 2015

Treats, Sickness and the Bank Holiday

As most of you are recovering from your fun-filled Bank Holiday weekend, spare a moment to think of those who 1. Had to work through it or 2. Like me, spent the entire weekend, sick in bed.

I have decided that someone, somewhere did NOT want me to have a splendid Bank holiday weekend like the rest of you, but instead, decided that I should spend all of last week wrapped up in bed nursing a chest infection.

I feel as if I've been ripped off and deserve a Bank Holiday do over. Can that be done?

Anyway, excuse me and my pity party, lets get on with the blog!

Tuesday 24th March

After work, I headed to Kings Cross to watch the almighty Rag 'n' Bone Man play at the Scala. This guy is basically the male equivalent of Adele and boy, can he sing. He has a bluesy-gospel like sound, with a hint of old r 'n' b. Not many singers impress me but this guy really has the X-Factor. He even got the entire Scala to fall into a hushed silence as he performed a wonderful a cappella that gave me chills (they're multiplying). Search for him on Youtube, this guy is going to be huge very soon.

Wednesday 25th March

Well isn't this a lovely surprise to come back to after work! I found out on the Monday I had won a superfood hamper from the SuperfoodMarket twitter page and by the Wednesday it was with me! As sad as it may seem, I've been aching to get my hands on some Pink Salt and Cacao Powder for a while now so I am one chuffed lil mare I won this.

Throughout the last two weeks

I may have painted my nails a few times through sheer boredom. These are the results.

Friday 27th March

My work had a Hawaiian themed party. Why? No idea. However, this was the most lethal cocktail I've ever had. So I obviously had to have two...obviously.

After getting home from the Hawaiian party and feeling a little sloshed, I popped out to see a friend but ended up bumping into this handsome devil instead...

I then may have bought these treats as well...eep.

Saturday 28th March

I went to Primark during the day (haul to come) and then came home and made these beasty dinners for a few lovely people. 


Sunday 29th March

Queue the start of the chest infection. I ended up bailing on all my plans and spending the entire day in bed as I felt so terrible. However, I did have a beautiful little creature keeping me company the whole day. The only problem is he likes to sleep on my hand...


Monday 30th March - Friday 3rd April

This is what the rest of my week consisted off.

Off work, feeling sick and sorry for myself whilst doing the following:

Sitting in bed with the cat, drinking a green tea and watching Pretty Little Liars. 

Sitting in the bath, drinking honey & lemon and watching Pretty Little Liars. 
Eating copious amounts of drugs and chocolate.
Andddd of course
Sitting in bed with the cat, painting my nails, whilst watching some Modern Family.

It's a hard life.

Saturday 4th April - Monday 6th April - The Bank Holiday 

For the majority of the Bank Holiday I stayed in doors and in bed. Lame.

But I still had a wonderful time, honest.

On Saturday, my family and I had an early Easter dinner together and with the leftovers from said meal, I created cheesy garlic potato cakes and garlic & rosemary potato skins on the Sunday. 

Yum is an understatement. 

Also on the Sunday, I ventured out for the first time in what seemed like a squillion years and went to a friends Easter party and tried my first ever peep! Yum.

I then went home and proceeded to eat chocolate eggs, drink red wine and have wonderful conversations with my cat at the dinner table (as you do).

I did end up venturing out on Sunday evening as I was so unbelievably sick and tired of my house and I decided to go and see a few mates.

My best mate decided to do this to me...please excuse my massive backside...

On the Monday, some family friends popped round and I got to spend time with my favorite little human. I've been around since she was born and I just adore this monster to pieces. GOOD LAWD.

So that was a roundup of my last two weeks (plus a Bank holiday) which basically just consisted of food, friends and bed.

That wouldn't be such a bad combination if it wasn't for the poxy chest infection.

How was your Bank Holiday? Did you get up to anything exciting? I bet it was a bit more eventful than mine!

Thanks for stopping by!



  1. Loving the nails - I wish I sometimes had the inclination to spend more time doing mine!! Hope you are feeling better by now.

    1. Aw thank you love! I'm feeling much better thank you and I know what you mean! Now I'm back at work and haven't got lots of extra time my nails are looking pretty rough! Haha xx


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