Monday, 8 February 2016

Why I don't adult well

Even though I work full time, have managed to keep an animal alive for nearly 12 years and even been smart enough not to set myself on fire (yet), there are just so many things that as a 27 year old I really should be (or shouldn't be) doing. Here are 10 reasons why I don't adult well.

1. I eat wayyyyyy too much out of date food. My motto is if it looks, smells and tastes good then you're good to go. But just for the record, if the zombie apocalypse does ever occur in my life time, it might be worth noting that I was probably patient zero harbouring some mutant gene...just sayin'.

2. I convince myself that I deserve bad food. Had a hard day at work? Why not console yourself with a Burger King? Good day at work? Why not celebrate with a Burger King?! Someone looked at you funny? Burger King! Too tired to cook? Burger King! Feeling hormonal? Burger King! Raining? Burger King! Full moon? Burger King! Do you still have arms?! BURGER KING!

3. I don't iron anything. But does it count if I do it with hair straighteners?

4. I pick spots. Even though I've been told not to for nearly 15 years of my life, I just can't stop myself! It's like those mini Vesuvius's are taunting me!

5. I forget every single password, to every single account I own, on a weekly basis. 
I'm not even kidding.

6. I'm never on time. I hate this trait and I'm sorry in advance. I don't mean to keep you waiting but I'm either admiring (stalking) someone on social media or talking to my cat. What can I say? I'm a very busy woman...

7. I procrastinate. Kirsty. Do you need to do something really important? Something so important, that if you don't do it it will impact your life massively in an awful way? You do?! *pffffffffftttttt* Lets put that on the back burner for a few months and carry on watching Friends marathons, even though I'm pretty sure you've seen every episode at least 7 times...

8. I hate the dark. And yes, I am convinced that there is a monster lurking somewhere in the shadows and yes, I am convinced it is plotting to scare me to death (literally) just so it can steal my soul! What's so crazy about that?!! (Many thanks to the film series Insidious for implementing horrific scary demon thoughts in my head. Assholes).

9. I never sleep at reasonable hours, for reasonable amounts of time. Gotta be up early? Why not start scrolling through your twitter feed at 3am, rereading the same tweets over and over again for another 40 minutes whilst EVERYONE ELSE SLEEPS, LIKE NORMAL PEOPLE!

10. I talk to my cat as if he is a human and understands me.
Maybe this isn't so much as 'bad adulting' but more like insanity...

Are you bad at adulting? What are your worst bad adulting traits?


  1. 3, 6, 7, 9, ... YES .. Apparently I don't adult well either #oops!


    1. Ahhh yes! I'm so glad there are others who are like me! Haha! We can be bad at adulting together! x

  2. I love this post so much!
    I'm all for the Peter pan life!!!

    Bonnie x

    1. Thank you lovely! And Amen to that sister! Peter Pan life FTW! x

  3. I love this post so much!
    I'm all for the Peter pan life!!!

    Bonnie x

  4. Haha this post made me laugh out loud so many times! Thank you for sharing - I feel a little less alone with all these things now. I can especially relate with the procrastinating part - I definitely should not be reading blogs and commenting on them right now...

    Laura // Middle of Adventure

    1. Haha! I'm so glad we're all in this together. I'll be honest, I felt a bit rubbish when I realised I did so many 'unadult' things but it seems to be the overall way of doing things haha! x

  5. This was just like reading a post about myself...I don't adult well either! I'm even worse to the extent that sometimes I meow at my cat to pretend I can really communicate with him. Pure satisfaction when he meow's back like we're having a back and forth conversation (writing it down makes me sound a little crazy)...

    I never have a problem with eating out of date food, man why should we! I never understand people who just see the date and bin it, like did you even sniff it first? Was anything growing on it? No? Then we're good to go people.

    I think my worst trait has to be forgetting my password to everything. The amount of times I've locked myself out of one account but then had to send an email proving my identity to the security account but then I've also forgotten the password to that too. It absolutely drives my boyfriend nuts.

    Issy | MissIsGoode xox

  6. Number 2 is so me!! Bad food solves all problems. Loved this post! I used to talk to my cat like he was a human too..

    Suitcase and Sandals Blog XX

  7. "Do you still have arms" is the best reason to get a Burger King I have ever heard. I love everything about this post x

  8. Yaaaasss!!! These are all SO relatable! I feel like our generation is missing some sort of gene meaning we will have the mental age of 12 year olds forever!!! SO nice to hear that I'm not the only one haha! x

    My Blog: Jade With Envy | My YouTube Channel


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