Wednesday, 5 November 2014

Lady Gaga at The O2

Two weeks ago I couldn't believe my luck when O2 Music declared me as their Lady Gaga ticket winner. I cannot emphasize how much of a Gaga fan I am and to win the holy grail of tickets!

Rewind to February this year when my sister text me one morning saying her friend was buying Lady Gaga tickets for them and did I want one? Sadly, I was at work, snowed under with god knows what and I was unable to read my texts so you can guess what happened next, I didn't reply in time so the lil beeyatch didn’t get me a ticket!

Well. I was heartbroken. By the time I was able to get online to try and purchase one myself, they had all sold out and I  was not prepared to go on Viagogo just to pay £500 for a seat in the heavens, nuh-uh. So I accepted my fate, moved on with the pain and continued with the hollowness inside me for the rest of the year (drama queen much?)

Skip forward to just before the fateful day of Lady Gaga goodness, my bastard sister (love you really) kept mentioning how excited she was for Lady Gaga and how wonderful it would be…

But thankfully, the wonderful and magical people at O2 Music came to the rescue and picked me as their competition winner after I submitted my Lady Gaga inspired makeup (mine was inspired by the skeleton from the ‘Born this Way’ video. You can see my interpretation here).

Little did I know, these tickets weren’t just beautiful Lady Gaga tickets, they were golden Lady Gaga tickets to the VIP section…

My mam is also a huge Lady Gaga fan so I decided to bring her along. Like I always do. Because I’m a top notch daughter.

I didn’t want to go mental with my makeup as, well, I didn’t. But I did want to do something different for such a momentous occasion. So this was my eye makeup: I used some beautiful lashes from Eyelure, which I got at Boots, these were No.121 from their definition range, my eye shadow was a purple gradient, which matched with my purple, vampy lips.

We arrived a bit late due to me faffing around getting ready but my mam and I still had plenty of time to snack on the free food & guzzle some free drinks before the show started. The food was all American/Mexican themed, so I had some beef sliders and a Caesar salad, whilst my mam snacked on all the vegetarian options like stuffed potato skins, wraps and tacos; all of which was lovely.

Then, the show began.

I loved every moment of it. Gaga played nearly all of her newish album ‘Art-pop’ but also played all of her hits too. Her costumes were glorious and fluorescent and she was pitch-perfect. Say what you want about her and her fashion sense, but my word, that girl has a set of pipes on her.

Here are a few extra snaps from the evening, including my sister and her friend Carla who were going as well.

All in all, it was a wonderful night and I’m so glad I got to bring my mam to see ol’ Lady Gaga.

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