Afternoon all.
Tuesday is upon us and if you're anything like me, you'll still be saying a tearful farewell to the wonderful weekend that has just passed and attempting to tackle a new week with a smile on your face, a positive mental attitude in your mind and a large mug of green tea (or wine) in hand.
My weekend was such a mishmash of small jobs and running about that I feel I need another weekend to get over my weekend, uh. Feeling old.
However, I definitely started my weekend off right with this little treat on Friday after work, builders tea and a scone with clotted cream & jam. YUM!
The cute little cat mug is from Joy which you can find here!
Lets rewind though a bit further back to Wednesday when it was my friends birthday. We went out for a meal and ended up embarrassing him with a Happy Birthday sing song and a birthday cake, which he wasn't too happy about but I did manage to get one snap of him smiling.
Tuesday is upon us and if you're anything like me, you'll still be saying a tearful farewell to the wonderful weekend that has just passed and attempting to tackle a new week with a smile on your face, a positive mental attitude in your mind and a large mug of green tea (or wine) in hand.
My weekend was such a mishmash of small jobs and running about that I feel I need another weekend to get over my weekend, uh. Feeling old.
However, I definitely started my weekend off right with this little treat on Friday after work, builders tea and a scone with clotted cream & jam. YUM!
The cute little cat mug is from Joy which you can find here!
Lets rewind though a bit further back to Wednesday when it was my friends birthday. We went out for a meal and ended up embarrassing him with a Happy Birthday sing song and a birthday cake, which he wasn't too happy about but I did manage to get one snap of him smiling.
Lets then skip forward to Saturday which was a day of being an adult; I cleaned my house, went food shopping and even decided to pop to the gym! How mature and sensible am I?
It's sickening.
Two things make this god awful photo amazing:
1. The crazy bun.
2. The sneaky cat.
I've been quite good with my diet lately (ignore the photos to come) and I've been working out a lot lately and really pushing myself further and harder. So much so, I can actually see muscle forming/growing in my thighs!
Ok, fine, it's not necessarily the place I want more muscle, but there's definitely a change a foot!
May I also add that this MyProtein cookies and cream bar is heavenly! It tastes delicious and hasn't got that blerugh protein taste to it, which is always a plus.
I think I'm going to try more of their range as this bar helped to fill me up during my workout yet it didn't make me feel heavy, bloated or too full...I think I'm onto a winner here.
My cat Bubba is going through a really whiny, rough time at the moment because he still misses his brother who passed away at Christmas, so he's started doing really odd things like this.
Spot the cat
Saturday evening I popped round to my friends house to pick up some really late Christmas presents. We're both quite eclectic individuals, so she picked me up some vintage pressies for me.
This is supposedly from the Victorian times :O But most importantly, it's a cat face dish. A cat face + A dish = Instant love.
Another cat item but a cat necklace this time (check out the additional black cat hair all over this background, what a profesh blogger I am!)
The front:
The back:
She also picked me up this 1940's/50's nail care kit, in mint condition!
On Sunday, I woke up early and made a breakfast fit for a queen; scramble egg on brown toast, green tea and a home made smoothie. YUM!
I then headed out with my friend (whose birthday it was on Wednesday) and went to Tottenham Court road to Franco Manca, a well known pizza company that specializes in sourdough pizza (review to come!)
Excuse the lighting...
We may have then headed to my favorite type of shop (an American sweet shop) and I may have spent my entire life savings there.
I'm not going to tell you how much this cost, but it was a lot...enough to buy at least three outfits from Primark...eep.
I would like to point out the only things that are mine in this photo are the Sour Patch kids in Cherry flavour, one root beer and the Oreo's!
On Sunday evening I did some meal prep for half the week (which I may blog about next week, if I have the time), had a lovely bath and went to bed early as on Monday I was going to be travelling to my companies new office. This meant an earlier alarm, along with a longer and more expensive commute and a lot more hassle...lucky I like my job!
It was a lovely weekend, full of healthy/