Monday, 20 July 2015

Catalyst Autumn/Winter Preview Day

A few weeks ago I was asked by the lovely people at Catalyst PR to attend a PR day last Friday in Cavendish Square in London. I have never attended a PR day before so I was a bit unsure what to expect, but upon arrival I was put at ease by two ladies from Catalyst PR who welcomed me to the event and introduced me to the brands who were showcasing their products.

Even though I hadn’t of heard of a few of the brands before it was so interesting to be introduced to their products by people who were clearly so passionate about what they were representing. 

Being in a room full of total strangers and introducing myself to so many different people is usually a very daunting experience for me but the atmosphere at the event was so relaxed and everyone was so friendly, that the time passed by so quickly! I have to give a massive shoutout to Catalyst PR and their team, who would come on over everything once in a while just to check to see if everything was going ok. They even supplied a beautiful spread of food and drinks.

Some of the brands at the event were:

Dr Paw Paw
Revlon Professional
Sexy Hair
All That Jazz
Beauty Crowd
King of Shaves
NanoKeratin System
I was very lucky to walk away with some absolutely amazing products which I am beyond excited to try out! A huge thank you goes out to all the brands and their representatives as they are what made the day so fun and informative. But the biggest thanks goes to Catalyst PR for inviting me along to this event in the first place and providing such a wonderful experience.

Watch this space, there will be so many reviews to come!

Thanks for stopping by! Let me know if you have ever tried any of these products before and your thoughts on them!

*PS All the photos are my own, please don't go stealing them without asking my permission first ;) 


  1. Oh wow look at everything you got, I am very jealous, hopefully one day I will be able to attend an event like this!

    Meme xx

    New Post:
    'But first.. Let me take a selfie*'

    1. I know, they were very generous! I bet you will and when you do, I can't wait to see a blog about it :) x


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