Sunday, 12 July 2015

Ladbrokes #WimbledonSummerParty

Ok, confession time, I get so incredibly happy when I’m invited to a blogger event (especially when the invitations are this cute!) as it helps to reaffirm that I must be doing something right on my blog to get invited along!

Next confession. I may have stalked Ladbrokes blogger events before. I remember seeing the Ladbrokes Casino/Boat Party all over twitter and the blogosphere a few months ago and was in awe at the lengths they went to for fellow bloggers! A few blogger friends of mine attended and I was super (jealous) happy that they got to go to such a wonderful evening! But my luck was about to change when the lovely people at Ladbrokes/Branded3 decided to invite me to their latest bash where they were hosting a #WimbledonSummerParty.

On our invites we were told to dress in white (which you can see I went completely against because I’m an idiot and own nothing white and I didn’t go shopping in time and damn) and to expect food, drink, games, quizzes and prizes!

Now, I’ll admit I’m not the biggest fan of tennis however I do appreciate strawberries, Pimms, cakes and a rip roaring good time, all of which were to be included in this wonderful evening.

The event took place down a very quaint and stereotypical London side street near Mansion House in a bar called Williamson Tavern. We were celebrating the 'Best of British', so think scones, tennis, pub quizzes and bunting galore. After arriving ten minutes late and failing to find the sneaky lil place for a further ten minutes, I eventually stumbled upon two smiling people dressed in white, one who was clutching a clipboard, whilst the other wore a white sweat headband. Now, if this wasn't the #WimbledonSummerParty I was about to give up hope and start drinking with the locals! Luckily for me these two smiley people were members of the Branded3 team! They were so welcoming as they led me downstairs into our own private bar, where I was handed a glass of prosecco and introduced to all the other bloggers at the event.

After some wonderful introductions, laughs and a lot of over sharing (I tend to do that) it was time for the quiz. As I said, I don't know much about tennis but you can bet your bottom dollar I was racking my brain for the answers. I even did some some year 4 math sums on my quiz sheet! Now that's dedication!

Once we had all handed in our answers for the quiz it was time for the games 'Tennis Pong' and 'Hit the bloody crap out the Piñata that doesn't want to die'. Though I'm a dab hand at beer pong (if I do say so myself) I can happily admit I was awful at Tennis Pong and I walked away with only 6 points (the winner got something like 18?!!). After my dreadful defeat, I was eager to take all my anger out on the strawberry piñata by trying to bash it to smithereens but alas, this piñata had other ideas and didn't actually break open for anyone! Fair play to it, it  did take a swift beating from one of the Branded3 ladies who battered it continuously for about a minute before it gave up and decided split open (watch out for the ladies at Branded3! Proper 'ard nuts!)
Seeing as the piñata was no more, it was time to announce the winners of the quiz and Tennis Pong. Oddly enough, my year 4 maths skills must have come in handy, as I came in 2nd in the quiz and won a liter bottle of Pimms! Fabulous!

Overall, it was such a fantastic evening that just seemed to fly by. I would like to thank Ladbrokes and Branded3 for hosting such a wonderful evening and inviting me! Secondly, I would like to thank all the bloggers who attended and made the evening so special.

It was my birthday on Saturday, so you all really put me in high spirits for the weekend ahead and the Pimms definitely came in handy!

Oh and before I forget, we've been given the opportunity to guess who will be in the Royal Box for the Wimbledon Tennis Final. I don't know how many guesses we're allowed but here are my predication's, let me know what you guesses are!

Ed Sheeran
A cast member from Game of Thrones
Pippa Middleton

Place your bets!

If you'd like more to know about the evening you can visit here for more information.



  1. I feel like I'm so left out for not being a British logger, I have no idea what Ladbrokes is! Hahaha! But it looks like you had a freaking amazing time! The event looks so cool!

    x Bash | Bash Says Hey | bloglovin'

    1. Aww no, really? I have to say, I'm very lucky that I'm a blogger in London, there are so many events to go to! (Just so you know, Ladbrokes are a betting agency :D) Thanks for stopping by my darling! I hope you're well!


  2. Wow, it looks like such a fun event! I love the group picture of everybody in tennis whites. And those invitations are the cutest! X


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